Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Hawally, Kuwait, 2014

Rob and I signed up for an adventure and we sure got what we were looking for. I falsely assumed that with all my previous travel experience, I'd be well prepared to handle the culture shock. I couldn't have been more wrong and humbled by Kuwait. There was the scorching heat (worsened by a poorly functioning AC in our apartment), the dirt, the trash and the feral cats.

Over time, we began to adapt. By November, it cooled down dramatically. We became regulars at the bakala, or neighborhood convenience store. The strangers in my apartment became friends. We bonded over the hardships we faced and looked out for one another. We played house with little Noah. Friends delivered cookies to our door, shared moonshine, and took care of Suki. A little experience and knowledge of what to do and see made our lives livable again.

I will always be grateful for the kindness and generosity of the many people we met in Kuwait. Insha'Allah, we will meet again!


Outside our apartment window.

If you look closely, you can see the Mosque. 

Noah taking a picture of me taking a picture of him.

Noah loves Rob's beard.

To borrow a phrase from my friend Keri, FELINE FRENZY!
There are cats everywhere in Hawally. This one was kind enough to pose for me.

A rare rainbow.

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